MS Excel Skills Exam

Welcome to your MS Excel Skills Exam

Goal: Using the name typed in cell A8, return the corresponding email address from the table in cell B9.

Instructions: Complete the formula below by typing the missing function that is used to return a value based on a matching value in a table.

= (A8,EmployeeTable,4,FALSE)

Goal: Using the name typed in cells A9 and B9 (first name, last name), return the corresponding email address from the table in cell C9.

Instructions: Complete the formula below by typing the missing function used in conjunction with MATCH in order to return the email address based on multiple criteria.

{= (EmployeeTable2[Email],MATCH(A9&B9,EmployeeTable2[First Name]&EmployeeTable2[Last Name]))}

Goal: Return a value of "Pass" in cell B3 if the score is 70 or above, or a value of "Fail" otherwise.

Instructions: Fill in the missing piece of the following IF formula in order to achieve this.

=IF( ,"Pass","Fail")

Goal: Create an absolute reference to cell A2 in cell C2.

Instructions: Complete the formula to achieve this.


What are the advantages of converting spreadsheet data into a table in MS Excel?  (Select all that apply):

Which of the following are pivot tables used for?  (Select all that apply):

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